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Successfully Whiten Your Teeth With These Proven Tips

Don’t let yellow teeth be your first impression on important people you meet in your life, make sure you have a beautiful white smile to make an everlasting impression. If you don’t know much about teeth whitening, you may be stuck. However, this article will provide you with the information to get you started on a better smile today.

Try not to use over-the-counter whitening products without first consulting with your dentist. A lot of the times, these products’ harsh chemicals can actually damage your teeth, far from the intended benefits. Your dentist will be able to help you determine if your tooth enamel is strong enough for OTC treatments.

If you’re a pregnant or lactating mother, you should not undergo any teeth whitening procedure. It can have many negative effects on the baby. Before having your teeth whitened, you should consult with your dentist and let them know up front if you’re pregnant or lactating. They’ll be able to say for sure whether it’s a danger to the baby or not.

Most of the time these products are no better than normal toothpaste when it comes to whitening your teeth. Ask your dentist if he or she can recommend a brand or a product for you to use.

Heavy smoking can in fact damage and stain your teeth. It helps to cut down on the amount of cigarettes you smoke each day or eliminate them out of your life completely. People who smoke have a harder time keeping their teeth clean than those who don’t.

You may not be able to brush after every meal, however, you can rinse your mouth after meals. Take a minute or two after eating or drinking beverages that can stain and thoroughly rinse your mouth. This will help remove loose particles and stain causing residues that may be left behind from your meals.

Rather than focusing on removing stains from your teeth with whitening pastes, creams and gels, why not avoid staining them in the first place? Coffee and tea are notorious for staining teeth and should be avoided if at all possible. If you do drink them, try rinsing your mouth out with clean water when you are done to minimize staining.

Rinse your mouth out after drinking coffee or tea. They are both well known for staining teeth. For better results, try to eliminate it from your diet altogether. The same goes for soda and wine; they can stain your teeth just as much, if not more than coffee and tea.

An affordable, effective teeth whitening technique is to brush with baking soda. The whitening effects of this natural remedy will surely please you. Do this gently, so baking soda doesn’t irritate your gums.

Once you go through the teeth whitening treatment, you are going to want to avoid drinking things or eating foods that are known to stain teeth. Newly whitened teeth are prone to absorbing the staining agents that are in these things and you may find yourself worse off than before you treated your teeth.

To keep water from staining your teeth, avoid fluoride. While fluoride can be good for your teeth’s overall health, many people have reported that it leaves their teeth discolored. If there’s fluoride in the tap water in your home, try installing a water purifier to minimize its effects on your teeth.

Connoisseurs of red wine, or people who have been consuming red wine for a long time, generally have discoloration in their teeth. The enamel of the teeth absorbs the dark wine colors, thus making the teeth look dark. The only way to keep your teeth whiter is to stop drinking the red wine, or at least cutting back on it.

Try using some whitening strips to brighten your smile. They actually do work well to lighten your teeth a couple shades. For the best results, it is recommended that you use them at least six hours after brushing. Make sure to dry your teeth with a tissue before you apply the strips.

It is very easy to become “addicted” to whitening your teeth. Overuse of whitening products, especially those with bleach, can have an adverse effect on your teeth and gums. Once you have reached your white level, continue with touch-ups once a month. Multiple bleaching treatments should only be done once or twice a year.

Apply a sunless tanner to make your teeth appear whiter. The color you will get from applying a tanner provides a contrast to your teeth that will make them gleam whiter than when you are paler. As an added benefit, it will also make your eyes stand out even more.

If you want to get whiter teeth, eat foods that are filled with fiber. While certain foods are more likely to stain your teeth, foods that are high in fiber, such as carrots, spinach, celery, and broccoli exfoliate your teeth before stain molecules can attach to your teeth and stain them.

In order to get your teeth whiter, make sure that you don’t drink any water that has fluoride or use any toothpaste that has fluoride as an ingredient. It has been proven that these products stain your teeth and when people have stopped using them, their teeth stop getting discolored.

One important teeth whitening tip is to make sure that you always drink plenty of water. This will act as a natural way to remove extra food and harmful materials from your teeth, keeping them whiter. Be sure to rinse with water after eating as often as possible.

If any whitening products have irritated your gums or bothered your teeth in any way, it is vital that you see your dentist as soon as you can. Sometimes whitening products can irritate a person’s mouth and in rare cases, they could even cause an infection which needs immediate treatment.

Like was previously stated in the beginning of the article, the process of teeth whitening can be challenging if you do not know much about the process. Now that you have the knowledge from this article, you can begin your teeth whitening journey to a better smile and a lasting impression.

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